Dear Montessori Parents,
Around the world, Montessori school communities are facing unprecedented challenges. The present crisis threatens the lives and learning of children, the well-being of families, the livelihood of parents and teachers, and the very existence of our schools. As partners in our children’s education, we have an opportunity and responsibility to face these challenges together.
Here are some of the things we can do to ensure that our children’s learning and school community continue to thrive during and beyond these challenging times.
- Make a commitment to take care of ourselves. Let children see us practicing calmness, positive thinking, and safe health habits.
- Support our children’s Montessori school community. Maintain our connection and frequent communication with our children’s teachers, using a variety of online technologies and tools.
- Ask our Montessori teachers for advice on how we can help our children stay calm and constructively engaged at home so that we can balance parenting and family time with our work responsibilities.
- Most Montessori schools depend upon tuition to pay teachers and operating expenses. If you are experiencing financial challenges, work with your school’s administrators, recognizing that without your support, children’s learning will be impacted, teachers may leave, and the school could close. Montessori schools take years to organize and develop. They are an essential part of the community, offering a precious alternative to the educational status quo.
- Help our school community search for alternative sources of funding, including private donations, grants, low-interest loans, and endowments.
Montessori is a way of life. Families find a sense of community and support in Montessori schools that their children attend which is all too rare in the world today.
Children excel when they feel safe, empowered, and truly heard. Our schools nurture students’ innate curiosity and creativity, imagination, and sense of engagement. Montessori graduates never lose the joy of lifelong learning. Every day we see our children blossom.
We believe that the gift of a Montessori education will pay outstanding dividends. As adults, our children will build a better world.
Our motto is, “We’re here to help.” Please let us know how we can help your school community move through these uncertain times with compassion, courage, wisdom, and love.

Tim Seldin
The Montessori Foundation

Kathy Leitch
Executive Director
The International Montessori Council