How can we make distance learning work for our Montessori schools? What are the best pratices?
CGMS is offering free webinars to assist teachers as they prepare for the possibility of returning to distance learning whether on a consistent or intermittent basis.
The first Webinar will be for all levels as an introduction. Level specific Webinars will follow.
July 13, 2020 4 PM
All Levels
Best Practices for Teaching and Reaching with Remote Learning- Presented by Christine Lowry, M. Ed.
We’re likely getting excited about a return to our classrooms this fall, but just in case, we should have a Plan B. As we plan for the possibility of returning to remote learning, in combination with in-person teaching, or replacing it for a period of time, it will be important to have some tools for offering the best we can for our students. Join us for a discussion of what best practices in remote learning can be, the many ways we can engage our students, and parents, too, in their learning. We’ll also look at ways to build a strong, supportive community of relationships for your students, with you and your students, and you and your families. Share your ideas, your questions, and your solutions.
Please register for this session here:
July 14, 1 PM
Elementary Level
Fall Scenarios/Approaches to Distance Learning in Montessori with Jorge Haro
During this seminar, we will analyze the characteristics of distance learning since March including successful approaches and strategies. We will also analyze possible scenarios for the Fall. The seminar will be guided by Jorge Haro one of the administrators of the Montessori Foundation (6-12) Guides Collaborative Conversation page on Facebook. Please register for this session here:
July 14, 7 PM
Elementary Level
Shelves and Screens: The Website as Prepared Environment with Bill Alsdurf Jr., M. Ed.
Turning your remote learning website into a direct extension of your prepared Montessori environment
This webinar will provide the participant with an opportunity to examine ways they can create an easy to manage classroom website (using Google Sites) that best represents their prepared classroom environment, their unique personality, and the warmth and heart that is the Montessori classroom. You’ll leave the webinar with a classroom website template to get you started, an idea list of what to include in your website, and PDF resource files of commonly used Montessori classroom materials.
Please register for this session here:
July 15, 4 PM
Elementary Level
Using Zoom and Creating Collaboration with Elementary Learners with Alison Plihal
In this Webinar, Alison will demonstrate how she incorporated Zoom and Google Classroom into E-learning. She will relate how the natural human tendencies of the elementary child can be integrated into Zoom learning environments. Alison will discuss the progress of the children at her school in Guatemala as they participated in learning extensions in the Cosmic area and continued the collaboration so natural for children in an elementary environment.
Please register for this session here:
July 16, 7:30 PM
Elementary Level
Using Zoom and Google Classroom for E-Learning and Building Community with Greg Hicks
Community is the ground from which the Montessori learning environment blossoms. In this webinar, we will explore how to utilize Google Classroom and Zoom to build community and effectively bring the Montessori classroom to life in an e-learning platform. Greg will demonstrate the Google Classroom he developed and share techniques and ideas for continuing to grow and nurture an established classroom community.
Please register for this session here:
July 22, 7:00 PM
Infants and Toddlers in the Time of COVID
Many are wondering how we can put our Montessori principles into practice when caring for infants and toddlers during a pandemic? Some Montessorians will be preparing classrooms to welcome children and families for the upcoming school year (abiding by CDC guidelines). Some will be using Zoom and/or creating weekly packets to stay connected. Yet others are trying creative solutions like scheduling school classrooms for private sessions (so whole families or regular playgroups will have a safe place to go); consulting with parents to bring Montessori into the home; curating a “Montessori Library” of items that can be “checked out”; or providing “nanny” care or other in-home services (just to name a few). Regardless of where our work takes place, we all want to stay true to Montessori “non-negotiables” to the best of our abilities. Please join us as we explore how this might look in a variety of settings.
Please register here for this session:
July 27th at 7 PM EST
Early Childhood Level
Creating Weekly Activity Plans with Natalie Carver
This pandemic is posing significant challenges for all of us as educators. As a result several of us have had to create unique solutions to help our families and students work through this difficult situation and maintain some form of curriculum via distance learning. In an attempt to do this for my community, I created weekly activity plans that were simple and also true to our Montessori philosophy. The works were easily achievable at home with materials found around the house along with a set of printed packets sent to each family. During the webinar, I will present several of the plans I made and walk you through creating a new weekly work plan. I will provide links to resources I utilized throughout this process and answer any questions you may have. I look forward to working with you and helping us all get through these uncertain times. None of us know what to expect for the coming school year, but hopefully, this technique will give you one more way to work through it with your own communities. These plans can be incorporated into both public and private school programs.
Please register here for this session:
July 28th at 7 PM EST
Early Childhood Level
Creating Montessori Material Kits for Distance Learning with Alison Plihal
In this Webinar, Alison Plihal will show how her team developed different Montessori kits for each child at her school. These Montessori kits contained a series of concrete Montessori materials from the areas of Language, Math, Sensorial, Practical Life and Geography. Each child had a small version of a Montessori Classroom at home, and progressed in each of these areas, thanks to the distance learning program that was developed at Antigua Montessori School.
Please register here for this session:
July 29th at 7 PM EST
Early Childhood Level
Get Connected! With Shelby Hiken
Join us to discover virtual systems, schedules, and activities to encourage your school community to stay connected through the distance learning experience. At this event, Shelby Hiken will guide you in creating a variety of virtual connecting opportunities. From individual child-teacher sessions to small group lessons, book readings, class community gatherings, and partnering with parents and staff, this workshop will cover a plethora of options that will allow you to address the needs of your particular school community.
- ways to create virtual lessons that reflect the purpose of Montessori materials
- rich learning experiences families can create and integrate into daily home routines
- ideas for weekly adventures that take the interest and learning level of each child into consideration, while engaging the whole family
- how to use Shared Google Folders and Google Classroom to remain connected with your whole school community
Please register here for this session:
July 30th 7 PM EST
Early Childhood Level
Using and Developing Your Google Classroom with Kim Delaney
Kim will share her Google classroom with you as she describes how to develop and use this e-learning tool with young children. See how to upload video lessons and teacher read books for children to access. Kim will demonstrate how she integrated the traditional Montessori lessons into her google classroom. She will show videos and photos of children at home completing work of all kinds as well as video of Zoom circle times and presentation of live lessons.
Please register here for this session:
Where can I find recordings of these webinars? I was unable to watch some of them and would like to watch some again because the information was so helpful.
Thanks for your comment, Monica! The webinars will be up soon, please check back within two weeks!
Hi again Monica, the webinars are up and ready! Please visit to begin!
How do I access the 3-2-1 Form for my PD Certificates? When the file is posted in the Chat Box, I am unable to make a copy and download it due to the speed that the Chat Box. Thank you for your help.
Hi, thanks for your message. Please use this form for your PD certificate.
I missed the July 28 Creating Montessori Material Kits for Distance Learning with Alison Plihal webinar. Will that be available to watch the re-play?
Hi Debbie, yes this webinar will also be available. Stay tuned, we’ll announce it in our news section when it’s ready for viewing. Thank you!