Read below for a curated list by our editors of parents’ Montessori journeys with their children, their home environments and inspirations from Dr. Montessori.
Montessori In Color. This account, run by parents Marc and Michelle, implementing the Montessori philosophy at home with their two young children. They offer inspiration, tips for implementing Montessori on a budget at home, practical life products and more.
Sweet Home Montessori. Montessori guide and parent Haley offers alternatives to common phrases that parents and teachers use, ideas for Montessori in the home, how to handle meltdowns as well as courses, reviews and discounts.
Montessori Dads Way. Parent Chris works with his hands in his profession, but during the 2020 shutdowns, was at home with his son and was eager to still work with his hands. He began documenting the activities he created for his son and began to inspire other parents in similar situations. Hi account includes practical life such as sorting, transfer, tracking and much more.
Exploring Mommyhood. This account by Zahra, mother to Ru, illustrates hand made Montessori practical life activities as well as explores play schemas, social justice and more.
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