El Método Montessori no se circunscribe únicamente al ámbito escolar: también se puede aplicar en casa y con niños recién nacidos . ...
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¿Qué es el triángulo Pikler y cómo ayuda al desarrollo de los niños?
El triángulo Pikler es un juguete basado en el libre movimiento del niño para promover su autonomía, desarrollo motor, independencia, consecución de retos, entre otros muchos beneficios. ...
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A new partnership to teach students about money
Montessori Australia has announced that it is partnering with Raiz Invest to help fill the gap in financial literacy education among kids. ...
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Mealtimes with Montessori: Positive innovation in aged care
...Since Montessori strategies were introduced, Marjory selects what and how much she would like from the labelled buffet. She eats at a table that is beautifully set with a tablecloth, cutlery, and condiments. Marjory can help herself to a second helping if she likes and she socializes during her meal. Afterwards, she helps staff by taking her ...
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Students at Milwaukee Montessori School host pro drone racing competition
“It will literally be entertainment at a mile a minute...” ...
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