Dear Ask a Montessorian, I have a student who is showing some difficulty in the classroom. She seems to have trouble choosing work, I observe her often bothering other students, and doesn't fall into concentration easily. Her parents often say that she loves school and concentrates well at home, and seem unwilling to discuss the behaviors I'm ...
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A first year Early Childhood student wants to learn to read. What do you suggest?
Dear Ask a Montessorian, I have a first year Early Childhood student who says he wants to learn to read. He's attracted to the works his older friends are doing in the Language area, but I want to introduce him to the Practical Life and Sensorial materials first. What would you suggest?"
Melissa K.
Dear Melissa, I wonder many things about this ...
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New website helps children become entrepreneurs
Montessori teaches entrepreneurship, offers help outside classroom
In 2011 the Harvard Business Review published an article, Montessori Builds Innovators, which sought to explain why so many innovators – business leaders, scientists, famous artists and thinkers – come out of Montessori classrooms. Some of the most wealthy ...
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My child is a picky eater and struggling in school. Could the two be related?
Dear Ask a Montessorian, my child is a picky eater and struggling in school. Could the two be related? I’m afraid that my child is a ”carb junkie.” Breakfast has to be a certain cereal or pancakes. She even sneaks crackers, chips, and cookies into her room. Her teacher tells me she is a very picky eater at school and only eats the snacks I send. ...
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Help! How do I protect the 3-hour work cycle?
Ask a Montessorian, how do I protect the 3-hour work cycle? My school begins at 8:30, but many students don’t arrive until 8:45 or 9 am, which gives them only until 11 am to work. Should I change my expectations of a work cycle, or communicate differently with the parents?
--Nanci L.
Hi Nanci, protecting the integrity of the work period is a ...
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