Dear Ask a Montessorian, help! I would love ideas on handwriting lessons with kindergartners. Right now we have small groups. I write words on a dry erase board and they write them on lined paper, but what other ways can they practice?
Thank you for your question. There are many creative and engaging ways that Kindergartners can practice refining ...
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Help! My child seems to be addicted to junk food.
My six-year-old daughter is addicted to sugar. From morning to night all she wants is junk food and sugary snacks. I find protein bar wrappers stuffed under her mattress. Help!!
This is the cry of many families these days – sugar, sugar, sugar. To quote Robert Lustig, author, pediatric endocrinologist, and Sugar, the Bitter Truth guru, “We’re ...
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Help! How do we help Elementary students with no Montessori background?
Dear Ask a Montessorian, soon a student will switch from their public school to grade 5 at our Montessori school. How realistic is it to make the transition academically viable? I’m Early Childhood trained and know that hands on experience with the materials is very important in the early years. Are these materials still required as a foundation ...
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CGMS and Hubbli announce joint partnership
For immediate release
Ontario, Canada. February 28, 2018
The Center for Guided Montessori Studies (CGMS), Inc, and Hubbli, Inc. are excited to announce a new partnership to develop and promote solutions for schools. The focus will be on ensuring Montessori and other schools can leverage the best technology for reducing their workloads, simplifying ...
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Help! How do I introduce history and cultural topics to my students without alienating any particular groups?
Dear Ask a Montessorian:
Help! How do I introduce history and cultural topics to my students without alienating any particular groups?
This is a great question, and one that is commonly shared. Dealing with history and cultural topics can be challenging, and I’d like to acknowledge you for being considerate of all students to make sure you aren’t ...
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