Dear Ask a Montessorian, as a Montessori elementary teacher, I try hard to place the Cosmic Curriculum at the core of all of our work. However, more and more students are entering our elementary program as non-readers. How do I teach an authentic Montessori elementary program with students who are not reading or have no previous Montessori ...
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Help! How do you help a new-to-Montessori student transition in the later years?
Dear Ask a Montessorian, what is your experience regarding students who begin Montessori later in the elementary years, instead of having had the benefit of beginning from Casa? For example, a student switching from public school to grade 5 Montessori. How realistic is it to make the transition academically viable? I’m Casa trained and know hands ...
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Help! What parent education topics should I present to my adolescents' parents?
Dear Ask a Montessorian, what are some ways I can describe to my adolescents' parents how to understand and support their children during this time, especially in terms of self image and the importance of social valorization?
Samuel H., Tallahassee, FL
Dear Samuel, being an adolescent today is not the easiest of tasks. We observe children who ...
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Help! What parent ed topics should I address with my Elementary students?
Dear Ask a Montessorian,
I’ve been teaching Children’s House for quite some time and am excited to be entering my first year as an Elementary teacher next year. What parent education topics would you suggest for our Elementary families, especially when it comes to the home environment, screen time and academic expectations?
Sharita, Des Moines, ...
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CGMS Secondary and new standalone Elementary programs receive MACTE accreditation
On September 28th, the MACTE Board of Directors met to review several CGMS applications for accreditation and residency changes. We are pleased to announce that all applications were approved with no issues or exceptions. MACTE President, Rebecca Pelton, reported that the MACTE Board applauded our hard work, efforts and commitment to the ...
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