Victory and Peace
Preventing conflicts is the work of politics; establishing
peace is the work of education. We must convince the world of
the need for a universal, collective effort to build the foundation
for peace.
Love is not the cause but the effect of the normal development of the individual.
- Dr. Maria Montessori
Quotes from Peace and ...
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Be careful what you test for!
[this test was] considered quite independently of the influence of culture and education; and it was appreciated as the expression of an intimate, personal activity of the intelligence itself.
But if one of [my students] had been subjected to the test, he would, in virtue of a long sensory training, have chosen the largest and the smallest cube ...
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Parenting Without Fear
The unhappiness of man is the most fearful feature of the reality of our times. He no longer feels any genuine joy. He is terrified... The real danger threatening humanity is the emptiness in men's souls; all the rest is merely a consequence of this emptiness.
Dr. Maria Montessori
Education and Peace, ...
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Reflections on Newtown
No social problem is as universal as the oppression of the
child. Historically, the oppressed - slaves, the servant class and
finally the workers - were minority groups who sought their
redemption through social change, often in open battle between
the oppressed and their oppressors…
But the social problem of the child is not one of class, race ...
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Time enough for childhood
Little children perform slowly and deliberately many complicated actions which they love—dressing and undressing themselves, setting the table, eating, etc. In doing all these things they show extreme patience, and they carry on to a conclusion their laborious tasks, overcoming every difficulty which arises from an organism being still in the ...
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