“ When the teachers were weary of my observations, they began to allow the children to do whatever they pleased. I saw children with their feet on the tables, or with their fingers in their noses, and no intervention was made to correct them. I saw others push their companions, and I saw dawn in the faces of these an expression of violence; ...
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Some Montessori Myths
There are people who think that the Montessori schools will not teach enough, and there are also people who fear that they will teach too much. “These delicate brains that you are training,” said a French gentleman to Dr. Montessori, “these fine ears, attuned to every faintest sound: how will they ever learn to support the uproar of our Paris ...
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Mistakes and Freedom
“It is a commonplace that the child must be free. But what kind
of freedom has he been given? The only true freedom for an
individual is to have the opportunity to act independently. That
is the condition sine qua non of individuality. There is no such
thing as an individual until a person can act by himself. The
instinct guiding the child to seek ...
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Grades, Success and Tiger Mothers
David DeHetre, released under the Creative Commons License, some rights reserved
“Once we have accepted and established our principles, the abolition of prizes and external forms of punishment will follow naturally. Man, disciplined through liberty, begins to desire the true and only prize which ...
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“Where the children work for themselves…”
“From such a system there comes forth a school where the children work for themselves - that is, they are free. In this freedom they work much more than heretofore has been customary in school...
Lars Plougmann, released under the Creative Commons License, some rights ...
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